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punishment for assault 2 conviction in Oregon

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Q: Punishment for assault 2 conviction in Oregon?
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Depends entirely on the circumstances and what degree Simple Assault you're referring to. Simple Assault is considered a misdemeanor in PA and the punishment ranges from 1 year (max) in prison to 5. (1) assault on a child (under 14 years old) - (max) 5 years in prison (2) assault (most common) - (max) 2 years in prison (3) (mutual) assault - (max) 1 year in prison

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Michigan's Domestic Violence Statute Michigan laws define domestic violence as an assault or an assault and battery by a: * spouse * former spouse * person residing or having resided in the same household as the victim * person having a child in common with the victim Domestic Assault [MCL 750.81] Victim need not be injured!Criminal Penalties1st Conviction (misdemeanor): Up to 93 days in jail and/or $500 fine2nd Conviction (misdemeanor): Up to 1 Year in jail and/or $1,000 fine3rd Conviction (felony): Up to 2 Years in Prison and/or $2,500 fine Aggravated Domestic Assault [MCL 750.81a] Victim must receive serious or aggravated injuries (medical attention)Criminal Penalties1st Conviction (misdemeanor): Up to 1 Year in Jail and/or $1,000 fine2nd Conviction (felony): Up to 2 Years in Prison and/or $2,5000 fine

What is assault 2 for a juvenile in Oregon?

Penalties for Assault in the Fourth Degree A person convicted of a Class A misdemeanor in Oregon can be sentenced to up to one year in jail or a fine up to $6,250, or both. A person convicted of a Class C felony can be sentenced to up to five years in prison or a fine up to $125,000, or both.

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The charge is assault. The punishment is: (1) a fine not to exceed $4,000; (2) confinement in jail for a term not to exceed one year; or (3) both such fine and confinement.

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Depends on the circumstances and the judge. Usually 2-6 years in prison if convicted and a few thousand dollars in fines.

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The answer is in the Texas Health and Safety Code, Section 481.115(d). Possession of methamphetamine (a Penalty Group 1 substance) is a second degree felony. The Texas Penal Code, Section 12.33 says punishment for a second degree felony ranges from 2-20 years in prison and a fine of not more than $10,000. However, under the Penal Code, Section 12.42, a second conviction is "enhanced" by a previous conviction. If the previous conviction was also a second degree felony, then the second conviction is eligible to be enhanced to a first degree felony which ranges in punishment from 5-99 years in prison and a fine of not more than $10,000.

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