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Feudal lords.

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Q: Powerful landowners were called in Europe?
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What were powerful landowners called in Japan?

It is Daimyo

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What were powerful landholders in ancient Rome called?

They were mostly the patricians. At the start of the city they were the landowners and through the land and its produce, they became wealthy and powerful.

Did small Roman farmers force wealthy landowners to sell their large estates?

No they did not. These landowners were too powerful.

How were large landowners different in Japan and Western Europe in the Middle Ages?

they hug the large landowners different

How did the geography of Europe contribute to the development of feudalism?

The geography of Europe had very little to do with the development of feudalism except the fact that Europe had a lot of arable land. Most of the drivers to feudalism were the lack of powerful regional oversight and the need for landowners to actively secure their own holdings.

Why did spanish landowners want to keep slaves?

The slaves made them feel rich, and powerful!

Why did the landowners want to keep the slaves?

The slaves mad them rich, and they also had made them feel powerful.

The noble or more powerful citizens of rome were called?

The powerful citizens of Rome were the patricians and the equestrians. The patricians were the upper tier of the aristocracy and were large landowners and high priests. The equestrians were the lower tier of the aristocracy and were merchants, bankers and eterpreneurs.

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What were German aristocratic landowners called?

Junkers :)

Landowners in Prussia were called?

The noble landowners of Prussia were known as Junkers.