The population of Philadelphia in 1776 was 30,000.
in 1776
George Washington was the leader of America in 1776... :D
In 1776 in the colonies, it is estimated that the patriots made up 50 percent of the population. The total U.S. population in 1776 was 2,500,000.
NYC had a population of just over 5,000. See: Historical Statistics of U.S. Colonial Times to 1970. Compare to Philadelphia #1 populated city in U.S. with 25,000. Boston, NYC and Charleston had about 5,000 populations. The largest state was Virginia, #2 was Massachusetts. and #3 Pennsylvania. The U.S. population of the 13 colonies in 1776 was 2.5 million. Google: Historical Statistics of U.S. Colonial Times to 1970.
The Declaration was American and not French. France did not have slaves in 1776.
The importation of slaves from Africa
The slaves brought over from africa from the 1600s to the 1800s.
July 4th 1776
2.547 million