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Points on Military government is better than Civilian government

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Q: Points on Military government is more suitable for Nigeria than Sivilian government?
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Sowaribi Tolofari has written: 'Exploitation and instability in Nigeria' -- subject(s): History, History, Military, Military History, Politics and government

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Nigeria's government today is authoritarian.I hope that helped!

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How has the military coup affected Nigeria?

Nigeria has witnessed transitions from democratic rule to military rule by force. Military force was justified in that the leaders sought to "maintain control" when democracy created a chaotic and dysfunctional society. Howver, it has always been disputed that military leaders have outstayed their welcome and utilized government resources even AFTER "stabilizing" the nation. Nigeria is overrun by corruption due largely in part to it's patron-client system, or clientalism, which refers to government positions in support for certain leaders. Military rule has largely played into that and had often times used violent forces to supress outbreaks and rebellions, or simply expressions of free speech that did not go over too well with the current government. A key military leader to know is Obasango, who later gave up his military status in order to allow a peaceful transition from military rule to democracy, the first ever in Nigerian history. Hope that helps!! Sonya

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