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Q: Peter the Great forced Russians to accept social reforms that would make their culture more like that of?
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When Peter the great forced Russians to accept social reforms that would make their culture more like that of?

C. Western Europeans

What are the symptons of a fear of Russians?

The symptoms of Russophobia include avoidance of Russians, including people, language, and other components of the culture. People with this phobia may become ill and agitated when they are forced to be around things of Russian provenance, or Russian people.

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Leader whose reforms included the freeing of citizens who had been forced into slavery

Hiw did the soviets stop the German soldiers from conquering the soviet?

After the Russians won the Battle of Stalingrad the Russians progressively forced the Germans out of Russia until the Russians won the Battle of Berlin .

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They were forced to accept Christianity.

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Rosa Parks....

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The mongols forced the Russians to make heavy payments called?

The Mongols forced the Russians to make heavy payments called "tribute" as a form of taxation. This was a common practice during the Mongol rule as a way to assert dominance and maintain control over conquered territories.

Were aboriginal children forced to take on western culture?

Yes they were forced to take on western culture in the period between 1905 and 1969. Most Aboriginal children were forcibly taken off their parents and family and placed into homes with Australians/Europeans and forced to take on the western culture.