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Q: People were more informed about the events of the Vietnam War because of the growth of which technology?
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How were people more informed about the events of the Vietnam War because of the growth of which technology?

TelevisionThe speed of flying 16mm news film from the war the same day it was shot to Japan for developing and transmission via satellite (new technology at the time) to the U.S. for viewing on the evening news throughout America brought the war fresh and in living color into homes. For the first time, people were seeing the war almost first-hand totally uncensored.

Why do people live in Vietnam?

Many people live in Vietnam because they were born and raised in the country. Some people live there because they love the weather, the landscape, or the culture.

Why did Vietnam people immigrate to Australia?

Because they can.

Why do vietnamese people speak french?

Because Vietnam used to be a French colony.

What technology influence people’s opinion about Vietnam, civil rights, and politics?

Improvements in technology around news media (radio, television, etc.) made news more readily accessible and faster to transmit, shaping people's opinions about Vietnam, civil rights, and other political topics.

Why people resisted the Vietnam War?

Because it was immoral.

Why did people from Vietnam come to Australia?

Because of war

Why people need technology?

because the people in the modren world need technology to develop themselves

Why is censoring bad?

because it gives people the inability to make an informed decision

Is censoring bad?

because it gives people the inability to make an informed decision

Why did they have the Vietnam war?

Because they had the communist and the non- communist on the north and south sides and the communist (north vietnam) one so the goverment took over and so they took all of propety, money, and bussness!

How many people had to flee because of the Vietnam war?

to many people where being killed