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Q: Peace with honor was president Nixon's goal when his secretary of state Henry kissinger was negotiating a cease fire with north Vietnam?
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What did Henry Kissinger had in the war in Vietnam?

Henry Kissinger was influential in negotiating the Paris Peace Accords which ended American involvment in the Vietnam War.

What is Kissinger known for?

Pragmatism, "realpolitik". Negotiating the US pullout in Vietnam.

Who was the US Secretary of State in the Vietnam War?

It was Henry Kissinger.

What Secretary of State won the Nobel peace prize during the Vietnam war?

Henry Kissinger

Secretary of State for both Nixon and Ford negotiated a settlement ending the Vietnam War?

Henry Kissinger

Was Henry Kissinger influential in negotiating the Paris Peace Accords which ended American involvement in the Vietnam War?

Yes. A proponent of Realpolitik, Kissinger played a prominent role in United States foreign ...the Paris Peace Accords, ending American involvement in the Vietnam War.

What did Henry Kissinger win the Nobel Peace Prize for?

In 1973, the Nobel Peace Prize was shared by Henry Kissinger and Le Duc Tho.

President Nixon's most important advisor on Vietnam and the Soviet Union was?

Henry A. Kissinger

Who was Henry Kissinger?

Henry Kissinger was Richard Nixon's key foreign policy adviser, a Harvard history professor. Kissinger was prepared to use force to compel the North Vietnamese to reach a peace agreement. He believed North Vietnam had a breaking point. Together Nixon and Kissinger were to extend the war before achieving a peace settlement.

What strategy did president Nixon use to bring peace in Vietnam?

He got Henry Kissinger in there and he made all sides sit down and talk. I really think without Kissinger that it wouldn't have gotten done.

Was Henry Kissinger was influential in negotiating the Paris Peace Accords which ended American involvement in the Vietnam War?

Henry Kissenger was actively involved in public and secret 'behind the scenes' talks with North Vietnam in Paris leading to the accords that brought about the complete withdrawal of American forces.

Who was the secretary of defense sent to Vietnam on a fact-finding mission?

Robert McNamara was the Secretary of Defense that was sent to Vietnam on a fact finding mission. He was sent by President Lyndon B. Johnson.