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Males over 18 who had proved their birth to their tribal council.

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Q: Only citizens were allowed to vote in democratic Athens who made up this group of people?
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Which people were allowed to participate in the government in Athens?

Adult male citizens.

Which people in Athens were not allowed to become citizens?

Slaves, foreigners, women

Which group of people were considered citizens in Athens Greece?

People who were born in Ancient Athens or have been there more than 5 years working and proving there citizenship.,not the metics or the slaves.Men were only allowed to vote or participate in democracy.Also Ancient Athens is the Birthpalce of Democracy.

Were the ancient Athens democratic?

no they were republicans!! Because there was a lot of things that they where not for in the democratic area!!!! i think Ancient Athens were Democratic. The word "democrat" derives from the Greek Demos (people) and Kratos (power). As seen in American history, Athen's as well had rules on who can vote. Women, alien residents, children and slaves were not allowed to vote.

Is Athens a direct or representative democracy?

As democratic as we cannot imagine today since all eligible citizens participated in the process on a daily basis in order to take the appropriate decisions with their vote - direct democracy and not a representative model as introduced 250 years ago.

What types of people lived in ancient Athens?

Ancient Athens was home to a variety of people, including citizens who enjoyed political rights, resident foreigners who contributed to the city's economy, and slaves who performed labor for the citizens. Citizens were typically free adult males who had completed military training and could participate in the democratic government of Athens.

How did Theseus change the government when he became king?

He gave the citizens more freedom and also allowed them to make more decisions that affected Athens more. (a people's government)

Which people were allowed to participate in the government of Athens?

hi people i did not

In ancient Athens which people had the right to vote in elections?


Could slaves become citizens in Athens and Rome?

No, they weren't even considered citizens.

Who were the people that the democratic and Republican Party support?

the citizens of America

What means democratic?

democratic: ruled by the people. In a democracy, citizens elect representatives to make and carry out laws.