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Arkansas and Canadian

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Red River and Arkansas river

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Q: Oklahoma City lays between two rivers what are they?
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Why was mesopotamia know as the land between two rivers?

The area lays between two rivers, the tigris and the euphrates which made life possible.

Is Mexico City a national city capital?

Mexico city is the Capital city of the country of Mexico. It lays on the Mexican Plateau between the Sierra Madre Occidental(West) and Sierra Madre Oriental(East).

Which Bird lays eggs between stones?

The Oyster Catcher lays its eggs amongst stones and pebbles.

What phenomenon lays between the stars?

it is milky way

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Why is a plant a plant?

cuz it lays between the ugly waters

What layer of earth's interior lays between the crust and the core?

The mantle.

How many eggs does an emu lay and how often?

An emu lays between six and eleven eggs once a year.

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between lays and kettle ill have to say kettle.

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the Equator

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What is the difference between a Female goldfish Male?

One lays eggs; the other fertilizes them.