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The Prince.

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Q: Niccolo Machiavellis famous work The was about the qualities that made an ideal leader?
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What was niccolo Machiavellis famous work that was about the qualitites that made and ideal leader?

Machiavelli's famous text is called "The Prince".

What are Hernando De Soto's good qualities as a leader?

He was a famous Spanish Explorer

What was Niccolo Machiavelli's career?

He wrote The Prince, a rather cynical treatise on how a nation's leader should behave.

What leader qualities helped the conquistador and early explorers succed in their efforted?

There are a few leader qualities that help the conquistador. The main qualities that showed effort was European.

What are the leadership qualities in public health?

qualities of a public health leader

What would happen if a leader did not have qualities?

If a leader did not have the qualities needed to be a leader then they should have never been assigned the role of the leader. Some people are not assigned leader but just looked at as the leader and when someone is looked up to people typically follow what that person does; so if they do not have the right qualities then most likely the team will not be all that great.

Is the epic of Gilgamesh a famous story that expresses the qualities of leadership important to sumerians?

Yes, the Epic of Gilgamesh is a famous Sumerian story that highlights leadership qualities deemed important to the Sumerians, such as bravery, wisdom in decision-making, and loyalty to one's subjects. Gilgamesh, as the protagonist, embodies these qualities as he navigates his adventures and grows as a leader throughout the epic.

What is Irene van Dyk leader qualities?

she is a leader because i said so

What a sentence with the word Joseph Stalin?

Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.Joseph Stalin was a famous Russian leader in the 20th century.

What are the qualities of a god sports leader?

to have a big willy

Who is the most good leader?

There are certain qualities that make a person a great leader. Some of these qualities includes the ability to delegate, having a sense of humor, confidence, and commitment.

Who was the famous leader that was a dictator?

One famous leader who was a dictator was Adolf Hitler.