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In 1609 the king of Spain declared Nuevo Mexico a royal colony. It was around this time that the struggling settlers abandoned San Gabriel and re-established themselves twenty miles to the south, at a place the Spaniards called Santa Fe, which was less crowded and more easily defended.

In Nuevo Mexico, it was the Franciscans who had the crown's permission to create missions, and Franciscans were making impressions upon the Pueblo as the Jesuits had upon the Yaqui. Pueblo Indians were interested in spiritual matters. They saw Franciscans flagellating themselves, walking barefoot and in many other ways depriving themselves. The Pueblo believed that priests had the power to mediate between humanity and nature, and they saw the Franciscans as people with powers like their shamans or witches. They were impressed by Spanish soldiers and well-attired officials prostrating before the Franciscans – performed to impress the Indians. Franciscans claimed the power to cure the sick, to make rain and good harvests. Many of the Pueblo Indians believed that it might be best to cooperate with and appease the Franciscans. It is rumored that some did not want to be revisited by the wrath of the gods that they heard had been put upon their people – punishment for what the Christians described as idolatry.

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it became a royal colony in november1, 1609

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