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The credit mandate is 64 credits for an associate degree.

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Q: New Jersey state mandate for associate's degree?
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Related questions

How many credits do you need to get an associates degree in journalism?

Typically, an associates degree in this field can run between 60 and 64 credits depending on the college and state mandate.

What is Gastroenterology associates of New Jersey?

A group of associated gastroenterologists in the state of New Jersey.

What colleges offer a degree with less than 60 credits?

It depends on state mandates. However, in the 26 years I have been in higher education, I have never been made aware of any college within the Unites States, that offers an associates degree with less than 60 credits. Most states have a mandate of no less than 64 credits.

What is an associates degree and what jobs can I get with one?

An associates degree is a degree for undergraduate academics given out after completing a 2 year course of study. Just a few of the jobs that you can get in the state of Florida with an associates degree are a registered nurse, paralegal, programmer, dental hygienist, and a respiratory therapist.

How many credits do you need for a degree in law inforcement?

An associates (two year program of study) in criminal justice can require 60 to 64 credits to complete, depending on the institution and state mandate. A bachelors degree (four year program of study) between 120 and 128 credits.

How many college credit hours does it take to complete as AS college degree?

Typically, the associates degree requires approximately 60 to 64 credits depending on the state mandate. However, there are some programs of study the will require more. These are usually programs within the allied health fields (nursing, respiratory therapy, etc.).

In college if you only want to take 24 college hours in criminal justice what type of degree is this?

It would not be equivalent to any type of degree. For just the associates degree it takes between 60 and 64 credits depending of the state mandate. You might want to check with your home county community college. They often offer certificate programs in the criminal justice field.

What does it take to get an associate's degree in Entrepreneurship?

The associates degree will take between 60 and 64 credits to complete, depending on state mandate and program of study. I personally have never heard of a degree in entrepreneurship. However, most community colleges do have associate of applied science (AAS) degrees in business management, which should give you the necessary tools to start your own business.

How much can your wages be garnished in NJ?

State and federal laws mandate how much wages can be garnished in New Jersey. Creditors can take up to 25% of wages in New Jersey.

Can I teach with an associates degree in fine arts in pa?

No. You need a BA/BS to teach plus education classes as well as passing state testing and doing student teaching. You can be a teacher's aide with a associates degree.

What licenses and degrees do need you need for nursing?

2 year associates degree and state registration, which means passing state boards

How many credits do you need for an AAA?

The number of credits for an associates degree may vary slightly from state to state depending on the states mandate concerning this issue. However, the degree will take approximately 60 to 64 credits. Some programs of study may take more. These programs are typically within the allied health field where many hours of clinical are required. All-in-all the associates degree is designed to be a two year program of study provided the student takes the program as prescribed by the institution. What may prolong the degree are prerequisite courses required for some programs, basic skills testing, and course load per semester.