In Italy in the year ad79 avolcaneo erupted what was that volcanos name called?
Mt. Vesuvius
What are the physical description of Italy?
the physical description of italy is rivers mountains lakes and
What are some problems within Italy?
There have been some earthquakes that killed over 150 000 people
over 100 years ago in Sicily. There are three volcanos in Italy
that are at constant state of eruption.
(I hope this helps(:!!)
There are a few, there is Mt. Etna, Stromboli, Mt. Vesuvius, and
Mt. Vulcan.
Name three countries that border france?
Spain, Italy, and Germany are three examples.
Name three medditeranean countries?
Egypt Italy and Spain
Name three mediterranean coutries?
France Greece Italy
What are 2 famous exaples of volcanos?
1. Mount St. Helens - Washington State2. Mount Vesuvius - Italy
Do they name volcanos?
of course. EX: kilauia in Hawaii
Does earth have volcanos?
Yes that's how three of Hawaii islands where made.
Can you name a river in Italy?
Slizza is a river that is partially in Italy. Three quaters of
it is located in Italy, while the other quater of it is located in
Austria..... Hopee that helped!