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It was a blimp. The German's just before WW2 had one called the Hindenburg, a passenger ship, that blew up as it was coming into New Jersey from Germany. You can see film of it. One man died, but it looks like the entire blimp is one big ball of fire.

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There were more than one. The one that burned at Lindhurst, New Jersey in 1937 ending commercial dirigible flights was the Hindenburg.

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Q: What is a German airship?
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Was Hindenburg German airship?

One word answer: YES

German pioneer who flew his first airship blimp?

Albert Santos Dumont

Where was the Hindenbergh scheduled to fly and how many passengers were on the British airship?

It was a German airship and it carried 97 persons of which 35 died. It was flying to Lakehurst in New Jersey.

What happened during the disaster?

The german airship crashed when securing (landing) in New York and burst into flames. All on board were killed. This made the end of the airship era.

What was the name of the German airship that exploded over Lakehurst New Jersey in 1937?


In 1937 what famous airship transported the most people across the Atlantic?

The German dirigible 'Hindenburg' probably carried the most trans-Atlantic passengers. This is the airship that crashed and burned at Lakehurst, New Jersey.

Who was the German aviation pioneer who flew his first airship in 1900?

Count Ferdinand Adolf August Heinrich von Zeppelin.

What was the German airship used for observation during ww1?

Do you mean the observation balloons? These were called Drakens.also - zeppelins were used for observation at first.

What element is LZ 129?

LZ 129 is not an element. It refers to the German passenger airship Graf Zeppelin.

If the airship was shrunk by an enemy what would happen to the volume of the gas in the airship?

If the airship is shrunk by an enemy, the volume of the gas inside the airship will reduce in proportion to the shrinkage of the airship. The gas molecules will be more compressed, leading to an increase in pressure within the airship.

What burst into flame at Lakehurst New Jersey on May 6 1937?

The Airship Hindenburg. It was caught on film & is terrible. It was a German Transatlantic Dirrigible.