simply it is said that, it is known as international police which lookes after all the permanennt members who are under the control of this body, and also reliable in front it in respect of national and international level...
The United States Constitution united the US states as one nation.
to bring all people together
The United States of America (because Virginia is one of the 50 states of the nation).
one purpose of the U.N. is to improve health conditions especially in Africa.
To be the best nation in the world.
The purpose of the United Nations was to keep other countries in check. After World War II Franklin D. Roosevelt felt that there should be a standing authority that presides over the western nations so that one nation does not do what Germany tried to accomplish; world domination.
The UN stands for united nations, not just one nation.
The United States is one nation of many that exist on earth.
Genghis Khan was the greatest Mongol leader, who united the various tribes into one nation.
the govement
United Nation comprise of a membership from almost all the states of the world. UN has different slogans for their different programs. One of the main slogan is "United for Peace".