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1. Chiesa Greco-Ortodossa di San Teodoro Megalomartire il Tirone

Indirizzo: Via San Teodoro 7, 00186 (Palatino) Roma. Tel.-Fax: 06-67.86.624

Parroco: Archimandrita Simeone Catsinas (tel. 3281488944). Diacono: Vladimir Laiba 2. Cappella Greco-Ortodossa di Sant'Andrea Apostolo

Indirizzo: Via Sardegna 153, 00187 Roma. Tel.-Fax: 06-48.18.820

Parroco: Archimandrita Simeone Catsinas 3. Comunità Romena d'Italia Chiesa Ortodossa di Santo Stefano Protomartire ed Arcidiacono .

Indirizzo: Viale Giorgio Morandi 78/fabbr. C 2/int. 1, 00155 Roma. Tel.: 06-22771714 - Fax: 06-2283052

Rettore: Archimandrita Dott. Stefan Popa (Tel. 339-3897508).

Parroco: Presbitero p. Florentin Mititelu Rev. Sacerdote intinerante: Presvitero p. Danut Mititelu. Diacono: Alin Iarca Mircea Parrocchia Ortodossa di San Fanurio in Cori: Indirizzo: c/o Chiesa di Sant'Oliva, 04010 Cori (LT). La Divina Liturgia si celebra due volte a mese. Parroco:Presbitero Luciano Diaconu (tel. 329.94.13.155).Parrocchia Ortodossa dei Santi Arcangeli Michele e Gabriele in Sezze: Indirizzo: c/o Chiesa di San Giuseppe, Viale dei Cappuccini 43, 04018 Sezze (LT). La Divina Liturgia si celebra due volte a mese. Parroco: Presbitero Luciano Diaconu (tel. 329.94.13.155).

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Q: Name of the greek church in rome?
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.Catholic AnswerThe Catholic religion was started by Our Blessed Lord before He died on St. Peter (see St. Matthew's Gospel 16:17-19). The Church was born from His side as He hung dead on the cross, confirmed by the Holy Spirit on Pentecost fifty days later, and has been guaranteed by God to be here until the end of the world. Greek Orthodoxy formed in the 11th century when the Greek Patriarch split from the Holy Father in Rome over some political problems. There have been temporary reunions over the centuries, and it looks as if this current Pope or his successor will finally get the problems worked out and there will be union again in the near future. The Catholic Church includes the Greek Rite, when the Greek Church split from the Catholic Church, it actually split in two, half stayed with Rome, and half became the Greek Orthodox Church. The Greek Uniate Church is still in union with Rome, and is exactly the same Rite as the Greek Orthodox Church, so the only difference is the that Greek Orthodox Church is not in union with Rome.

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