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The Mexica (Nahuatl) were an indigenous people of Mexico, known today as the Aztecs. There is disagreement over the meaning of the name Mexica, and the place name Mexico (Mexihco) where they lived. The name of Mexico comes from the Nahuatl name Mexihco.

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There were many ancient civilizations in Mexico, but the four most important include the Aztec, Maya, Olmec and Teotihuacan civilizations.

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The Spanish name for Mexico was "New Spain", as it was named by Spanish conquistador Hernan Cortes and several viceroys that followed him.Now, the name "Mexico" comes from ancient Nahuatl (native tongue of the Aztec or Mexica people, as they knew themselves) and is part of a larger name: "Mexico-Tenochtitlan" which is the actual name of the Aztec capital. This name means "Great place in the center of the lake Moon". The reference to "Lake Moon" is due to the fact that Tenochtitlan was founded on a marshy island in the middle of Lake Texcoco (Lake Moon for the Aztec people).

Where did the country of Mexico get its name?

Originally, it was the name given to their land by the Aztec civilization, who knew themselves as the Mexica people.When Mexico attained its independence from Spain in 1821, the colonists decided to rename their new country (formerly known as Viceroyalty of the New Spain) to its previous form: Mexico.

Where did the name 'Mexico City' come from?

From the name given by Aztec people: Mexico-Tenochtitlan (founded in 1325).

When did Mexico name its capital?

In 1325 when it was founded as Mexico-Tenochtitlan by the Aztec people.

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Traditionally, people spell the name as Gonzalez. It is a Spanish name. People from Spain, Mexico, South America, or the Philippines might have the name Gonzalez.

Who were the first ancient people in Mexico?

The Aztec or Mexica people, who founded the city on March 13, 1325 as Tenochtitlan