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ethnic Albanian

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Q: Most of the population of Kosovo is?
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Related questions

What is the population of North Kosovo?

North Kosovo's population is 55,000.

What is the population of Kosovo District?

Kosovo District's population is 672,292.

What is the population of Telecom of Kosovo?

The population of Telecom of Kosovo is 900.

What is the population of Kosovo-Pomoravlje District?

The population of Kosovo-Pomoravlje District is 217,726.

What is the population density of Kosovo Polje?

The population density of Kosovo Polje is 412.8 people per square kilometer.

Is it mountainous in kosovo?

Yes! Most of all Kosovo is mountainous !

Not considering Turkey what European country's population is almost 100 percent Muslim?

Not including Turkey, Kosovo is the European country with the highest Muslim percentage of its population. 89.6% of Kosovo's population is Muslim.

What is Kosovska Mitrovica's population?

The population of Kosovska Mitrovica is 71,601.

What is the population of Serbia in 2011?

7,120,666 (excluding Kosovo).

What are the enemies of kosovo?

The enemies of Kosovo are primarily the KLA terrorists, the Albanian government and their supporters. The KLA has effectively occupied the Serbian land of Kosovo, terrorizing both the Albanian and non-Albanian population. At this point the Kosovo Police, a group of KLA, has established presence in most parts of Kosovo. Serbian Gendarmerie still patrols the regions borders, in order to stop any attemt of KLA to overrun Serbia.

What is the population of Kosovo?

Population:1,804,838 (July 2010 est.)country comparison to the world: 147

Who were the atrocities in Kosovo committed against?

The atrocities in Kosovo were performed by the Serbian Orthodox Christians led by Slobodan Milosevic against the ethnic Albanian Muslims, who composed over 90% of Kosovo's population.