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Report on Mortality Investigation 1999 - 2003

  • Synopsis

The Mortality Investigation 1999 - 2003 was conducted with the main objective of producing new sets of mortality tables (M9903) for lives assured in Malaysia. The previous widely used industry tables M8388 (Male) and M8388 (Female) were considered outdated as these were based on mortality experience in 1983-88. The Report provides detailed descriptions on the data used in the investigation, including descriptions on subdivision of data by sex, medical and non-medical, type of product and duration. Readers will also find in the Report the percentage of the industry data that was excluded from the investigation the credible age range on the results produced. M9903 was produced after careful choice of graduation methods to graduate the raw data. The Report provides descriptions on the graduation methods employed, reasons of the adoption of each method for different age range, the smoothness test and the goodness of fit test performed on the graduated rates. While the end result of the investigation is the production of new sets of mortality tables on assured lives, the Report contains various other useful tables on the mortality and morbidity experience of assured lives in Malaysia. This includes raw qx for Term Assurance, MRTA, Unit-Linked and Critical Illnesses. Readers can also find life expectancy of the assured lives at birth, at age 10 and at subsequent 10 years to age 70.

  • The Contents and Appendices of the Report. Please click here.
  • Abridged version of the table. Please click here.

* This report can be purchased from LIAM at RM3,010 per copy (inclusive of postage within Malaysia). Please click here for the order form.

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