Yes. Take the train from Toronto to Buffalo, New York. Take the train from Buffalo, New York to Chicago, Illinois. Take the train from Chicago, Illinois to Minneapolis, Minnesota. Or go to Amtrak .com Via Rail .com and see if there is another way to get from Toronto to Minneapolis.
The flight distance from Toronto, Canada to Minneapolis, Minnesota is: 691 miles / 1,113 km
The total distance from Minneapolis to Toronto is 689 miles. This is equivalent to 1,109 kilometers or 599 nautical miles.
about 923 miles
about 930 miles
about 923 miles
937 miles
932 road miles (1500.5km)
The driving distance is about 1,330km.
Toronto is located the farthest north, followed by Minneapolis. Minneapolis, MN is located at 44°58′48.36″N 93°15′6.72″W. Toronto Canada is located at 43°42′59.72″N, 79°20′26.47″W. Berlin Germany is located at 52° 30′ 2″ N, 13° 23′ 56″ E.ACTUALLYthe latitude (degrees north) is based on distance FROM the equator, so the higher the number, the further from the equator it is, so Berlin is furthest north, minneapolis is next, followed by Toronto.