The driving distance from Salt Lake City, Utah to Cancun, Mexico is around 2,992 miles.
It is 627.38 miles according to MapQuest.
The distance between the above two places is nearly 1295 miles. This is approximately equal to 2084 kilometers. These distances are point to point straight distances. The actual distances may vary according to the flight path chosen.
Mexico City is on top of the remains of Lake Texcoco.
Texcoco lake.
mexico city
Lake Texcoco
The Lake Texcoco was a lake on which the Aztecs built a city called Tenochtitlan. The Spaniards later built Mexico City on Tenochtitlan, which is now the present day capital of Mexico. The lake is now completely drained.
Mexico City, capital of Mexico and formerly known as Tenochtitlan.
Mexico City
A huge lake
It is west of Mexico City, near Lake Capala.