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Just 10? Mexico is a country with thousands of years of history, predating the discovery of the Americas by Columbus. A quick summary of such events would be as following:

  • Precolumbian Mexico: Founding of Tenochtitlan by Aztec civilization (1325)
  • Spanish conquest of Mexico (1521)
  • Mexican war of Independence (1810-1821)
  • Mexican-American War (1846-1848)
  • Second French Intervention (1862-1867), including the Cinco de Mayo or Battle of Puebla (1865)
  • Mexican Revolution (1910-1921), including the 1917 Constitution
  • The Mexican Economic Miracle (1930-1970)
  • La Decada Perdida (The Lost Decade: economic collapse and rise of external debt) (1973-1982)
  • North American Free Trade Agreement - NAFTA (1994)
  • War Against Drugs (2007)
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Q: Mexico's 10 most important events in the timeline?
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