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There were diprotodon which was a giant wombat like herbivore that was as big as a rhino, there was procoptus which was a giant kangaroo, there was a giant monitor lizard that grew up to 7m called megalania, there was a giant carnivorous bird called dromornis sirtoni that grew as tall as 10 feet, wanambi which was a giant python that gre 18 feet long and thylacaleo also called the marsupial lion that was a desendant of the wombat and koala that could despite it's size take down a diprotodon. And these are just a few of them.

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Q: Megafauna occupied environment in Australia
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The general term for the giant animals that lived in Austalia thousands of years ago is megafauna. Megafauna included animals such as the Diprotodon (rather like a very large wombat), the giant kangaroo and the megalania, which was a gigantic lizard.

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Tyran Tagofie o_O