In Louisiana, a county is called a parish. Depending on what you are considering in terms of largest - Plaquemines Parish has largest area of 2,429 sq mi
6,291 km
) and a population of 23,042 . Jefferson Parish has the largest population of 432,552, but an area of
642 sq mi
1,663 km
). (Based on 2007 information)
What is the average home size in louisiana
Louisiana size in ranking is 31st place boo-ya i luv Louisiana
Louisiana ranks 31st in size.
The Louisiana purchase nearly tripled the size of the us
The Louisiana Purchase doubled the size of the United States.
Louisiana has an area of 51,843 sq miles.
Louisiana ranks 31st by size among the 50 states.
It doubled the size
Doubled the size...
The Louisiana purchase doubled the size of America and we could trade more
Yes, the 1803 Louisiana Purchase from France more than doubled the size of the territorial area of the United States.
Twice the size.