* University of Oslo * University of Bergen * University of Tromsø * Norwegian University of Science and Technology * Norwegian University of Life Sciences * University of Stavanger * University of Agder
Stavanger University (Norway)
You can ask the Ministry of Higher Education for the list of accredited universities.
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I have amassed a list of colleges and universities on the quarter (trimester) system. The list can be found here: http://www.planetbauer.com/colleges.htm
Depends on how you list wealth. If you count gross domestic product Norway is 24. on the list. But you have to remember that Norway only has 4,7 million innhabitans. On living standards Norway historical is the best or top 3 countries in the world. And in money pr. capita Norway is one of the walthiest countries in the world.
You can find a list of accredited online universities at the site in the related links section.
Higher education in Norway is offered by a range of sevenuniversities, five specialized colleges, 25 university colleges as well as a range of private colleges.Source: Wikipedia
It's free to attend all the universities in Norway. You may have to pay a small sum of money (about $95) which goes to the studentunion and to copys that are handed out, etc.
I have amassed a list of colleges and universities on the quarter system. The list can be found here: http://www.planetbauer.com/colleges.htm This link is no longer valid