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Q: List any 10 main occupation of India?
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Well, the przewalski's horse is the main one. It is on the endangered list.

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Wiki answers does not list email id or contact details or any personal details.

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Humans are the main threats. But go on to other sites to find more!

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Main function of parliament is to make and pass laws based on the subjects of any of the three lists, viz., Union List - 97 subjects; State List - 66 subjects and Concurrent List - 47 subjects. Parliament also possesses 'Residuary Powers', i.e., it can make laws on the miscellaneous subjects also, that are not there in any of the three lists, if it thinks that law is for the welfare of the country...

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The main occupation in the Caribbean seems to be any occupation related to hospitality including food service and hotel workers. Civil servants and military personnel also make up a large portion of the working people in this area.

What do people of India eat?

In India, main course meal include rice, roti, dal and curry. These are main source of energy for whole full meal. you can find exciting vegetarian food recipes at vegflavours. com or vegflavors. com/main-course feel free to contact if you have any questions

Are there any skyrim mods that give you an occupation and workplace?

Yey. There are skyrim mods that give you an occupation and workplace.

Hi is there any current vacancies for 3d character animation in top animation studios in India?

Look in the related link on this question (called "Animation vacancies in India") for a link to job listings for animation jobs. There is a special job list for India in the International section.

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It is impossible to know who "first" had any particular name. Most last names originated from the occupation an ancestor had. First names originate from too many sources to list.