in Sparta were only free men citizens?
In Athens the women weren't free, they had to clean, cook, and had to be hidden when they're husband's friends comes over. In Sparta, the women were free and they could have jobs and go anywhere! But in athens, they had to ask for permission. In sparta, they had better security, they had the military but athens didnt care about the military. In athens, only men were able to vote and participate in the government but in sparta, women can join the military and get jobs also they can vote!
In Sparta both. In Athens, the men, with the women confined in the home doing domestic tasks.
Most likely women did not have jobs in Athens. Only in Sparta were women allowed to have jobs, most of were owning shops.
Sparta was ruled by only a few of its men, but Athens was ruled by all of its male citizens.
the spart killed the men of athens
the spart killed the men of athens
the spart killed the men of athens
only sparta.
Athens was enemies with Sparta and Sparta was enemies with Athens
all types