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1. Akagi carried about 18 Zeros, 18 Vals, and 27 Kates. 2. Kaga carried about 18 Zeros, 37 Vals, and 37 Kates. 3. Soryu carried about 18 Zeros, 18 Vals, and 18 Kates. 4. Hiryu carried about 18 Zeros, 18 Vals, and 18 Kates. The Vals carried 2 crewmen; the Kates 3 crewmen, and Zeros held 1 pilot. About 554 airmen total.

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Q: Japanese naval Aviators Killed in Midway Battle?
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What was the Significance and outcome of the Battle of Midway?

The battle of midway ended with the sinking of four main Japanese aircraft carriers. The U.S. won the battle and lost only one carrier, the USS Yorktown. Hundreds of naval aviators on both sides were killed.

US planes wrecked the Japanese invasion fleet at the Battle of what June 3 thru 61942?

In the 4-7 June 1942 Battle of Midway, American Navy dive bombers flying off aircraft carriers, defeated the Japanese. Against American losses of 1 aircraft carrier, 1 destroyer, 150 aircraft and 307 sailors and aviators killed, the Japanese lost 4 aircraft carriers, 1 heavy cruiser, 248 planes, and 3,057 sailors and aviators killed.

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No , the Japanese did not formally surrender at the battle of Midway .

What battle wiped out the Japanese navy?

The Battle of Midway crippled the Japanese navy.

Japanese forces the battle of midway?

See order of battle, website: Battle of Midway

Who started the Battle of Midway?

The Japanese The Japanese

Who was the Battle of Midway against?

Japanese fortifications on the island of Midway.

What direction did the Japanese attack in the Battle of Midway?

For maps of the battle, see website(s): Battle of Midway

Battle that ended the Japanese offensive?

Battle of Midway.

What happened at the midway battle?

In the midway battle the American planes and ship defeated the Japanese ones.

What countries where in the Battle of Midway?

The United States, And Imperial Japanese Forces fought in the battle of midway.

Who faught the Battle of Midway?

The Americans and Japanese .