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Islamic sources are mainly Quran(holy book of Muslims),Sunnah(practices of prophet Muhammad SAW) and Hadith(Sayings of prophet Muhammad SAW) and some other Islamic literature written by Muslim scholars.

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Q: Islamic sources of ideology
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What are the sources of ideology of pakistan?

As any Islamic country, it is the Quran (Muslims holy book) and prophet Muhammad teachings; peace be upon him; (sayings and practices)

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Yes, it is an ideological country because it was won by the Muslims of India on the basis of Islamic Ideology.

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There is no difference between "two nation ideology" and "ideology of Pakistan".Two nation ideology is based on Islamic concept that Islam is separate relegion and Muslim has there on identity and style of living means Ideology of Pakistan is based on it and say that Muslim and Hindu of hindustan(present India ,Pakistan and bangledesh ...) are two different nations.

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the sources are AL-Quran, AL-Hadith, AL-Jama' and Qiyas

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ISIS stands for Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. It is a militant group known for its extremist ideology and violent tactics.