Wales is a country.
Wales is a country in the United Kingdom which has its own language, Welsh, spoken alongside English. It is considered the mainland territory where English is not the primary spoken language.
Canberra is the capital city of Australia. It is located in the Australian Capital Territory, which is a territory within New South Wales.
There are no countries in Australia because Australia itself is a country. The capital of Australia is Canberra. There are eight major states or territories in Australia. They include Queensland, New South Wales, Tasmania, Victoria, Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, South Australia, and Western Australia.
The Clarence River flows through the Northern part of New South Wales. Wales is also a state, not a territory.
Sydney is in the state (not territory) of New South Wales.
Wales itself is a single country so there are no countries in Wales.
Aboriginal tribes lived throughout New South Wales. They lived along the coastal areas; in the mountains; the high country of the southeast; along the rivers; and in the outback. There was not one part of New South Wales that was not indigenous territory.
The country between Scotland and Wales is... England.
New South Wales is not a country. New South Wales is a state in the country of Australia.