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Q: Is there is private land ownership in china?
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What is the relationship of land ownership to communism?

There is no private land ownership under communism.

Do you really own land or just rights to use land?

That depends on where you live. In the United States we have a system of private land ownership. You can sell your land and keep the money or leave it to your beneficiaries by your will. If you die intestate (without a will) the land will pass to your heirs at law under the state laws of intestacy. No one can take the land away from you unless the taking is done under the provisions of the law. Many other countries have private land ownership. There are countries that do not have systems of private land ownership. China is a good example. There is no system for private land ownership in China. The state took control of all the land during the Communist takeover in 1949. Communist Party officials control land usage rights. However, there is a system of usage rights granted in the land. You can read more about it at the related question link provided below.

Does the government in China allow private ownership of real property?

There is no system for private land ownership in China. The state took control of all the land during the Communist takeover in 1949. Communist Party officials control land usage rights. Private ownership is a new concept for the Chinese and they have little legal structure for or practical experience in private land ownership. China has recently commenced the development of a civil code that allows property usage rights based on the civil law concept of usufruct. Usufruct is the legal right to the use, profit and benefit from land owned by another. The government has caused unrest in the last few years by transferring lands to developers who, with inadequate compensation, oust city dwellers from their homes and farmers from their lands and means of livelihood. There has been a groundswell of resistance where city dwellers have protested and farmers have divided collective land amongst themselves claiming private ownership of their family farms. You can read more about it at the links below.

How has china's view of capitalism change?

slowly allowing more ownership of private property.

Did Lenin give private ownership of land to the peasants?

No he did not give private ownership of land to the peasants, despite his revolutionary slogan "Peace! Bread! Land!" Land owned by individuals was confiscated from them in the name of the state and not redistributed to the peasants as they were led to believe would happen.

What is it called when all the land on earth is collectively?

When all the land on Earth is collectively owned by the public or the government, it is known as common ownership or public ownership of land. This system contrasts with private ownership, where individuals or entities own land for their exclusive use.

How would you go about registering your property and buildings as private property?

In the United States there is no need to register your property as private property. As soon as your deed has been recorded notice of your ownership of your land is announced to the world as your private property.In the United States there is no need to register your property as private property. As soon as your deed has been recorded notice of your ownership of your land is announced to the world as your private property.In the United States there is no need to register your property as private property. As soon as your deed has been recorded notice of your ownership of your land is announced to the world as your private property.In the United States there is no need to register your property as private property. As soon as your deed has been recorded notice of your ownership of your land is announced to the world as your private property.

Who maintain continuous record of land ownership?

Generally, every jurisdiction that allows the private ownership of land maintains a system for recording or registering land ownership. You can usually find your land records office by doing an online search using your county, state and "land records".

What is private land ownership and communal land tenure in Zimbabwean context?

You own land? Wrong. the government owns it and you cant farm on it.

Can a private limited company purchase agricultural land?

As far as I am aware a private limited company can purchase land. The private limited company has got its own legal entity and as such can enter into the purchasing of land under the name of the limited company. This will mean that the private limited company will own the land and no sinlge member, shareholder or director will have ownership and their names won't be on any legal documents relating to the ownership of the land. I hope this answers your question!

Who owns property when there is dictatorship?

Anyone can own property; a dictatorship which is a subset of an Autocracy, does not define ownership as a part of its base principle. It simply establishes that there is one, unquestionable ruler, over the government.Another PerspectiveThat depends on whether private ownership of land is permitted in the particular country. Land ownership in countries ruled by dictators is often clouded. Privately owned land is often expropriated by dictators. An example would be the Castro regime in Cuba where private lands were seized and formerly wealthy Cuban landowners fled to other countries. In China, the state took control of all the land during the Communist takeover in 1949. Communist Party officials have controlled land usage rights since then and private ownership is only now becoming possible with developers being the favored grantees.

How are goods and services distribute in command economy?

You have asked a complicated question and the answer may not be so simple. A command economy is when the government controls everything and controls all aspects of business. Generally, communist countries have command economies. The former Soviet Union is an example of a command economy. Generally, private ownership of land is not allowed. Private ownership of land is allowed in a free market economy. However, many countries have mixed economies. For example, although the state seized all land in the communist takeover of China in 1949, private land ownership for development is slowly creeping back into the national scene.