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Yes. It is the Ajusco volcano, and is located on the southern part of the city. It has been extinct for thousands of years and has an elevation above sea level of 3937 meters (12908 feet).

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Q: Is there a volcano sitting in Mexico City?
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There is no volcano known as the Ajasad volcano, but there is one called the Ajusco volcano. The Ajusco volcano is located just due south of Mexico City, Mexico.

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On a clear day, you can see the Popocatépetl volcano from Mexico City. Popocatépetl is an active stratovolcano located about 70 kilometers southeast of the city. Its snow-capped peak is visible from various points in Mexico City when the air is clear.

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On a clear day you can see which high mountain actuallt a volcano from Mexico city?

The Popocatepetl Volcano.

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It is the Popocatepetl volcano.

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Mexico City is located on a high plateau known as the Valley of Mexico, but it is not directly near Mt. Popocatepetl. Mt. Popocatepetl is an active volcano that is located to the southeast of Mexico City, approximately 43 miles away.

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There are a couple of them:Paricutin volcano, the youngest volcano in the world (born in 1941), with an elevation of 2,800 m (9,186 ft).Popocatepetl volcano, the second tallest in Mexico and a still-active volcano. It has an elevation of 5,426 m (17,802 ft) and is 70 km (43 mi) southeast of Mexico City.