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Q: Is there a list of waiting periods after divorce to marry in Oklahoma?
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Waiting time to get married after a divorce in las Vegas Just got divorced looking to get married in Vegas. I heard there is no waiting time?

waiting time 60 minutes> You may marry immediately after 60 minutes from the time of your divorce.

If filed for divorce in new york and waiting for court to finalize papers can you marry in vermont?

NO! You have to wait for the New York divorce to become final.

Is there a waiting period in Ga to remarry after the divorce?

* No. Once divorced is finalized you are free to marry whomever you wish.

If you have filed for a divorce in California waiting for court to finalize divorce can you register with the California court to marry someone else?

You cannot get married until your divorce is final. Polygamy is against the law.

Is nikha is jaiz during periods?

according to islamic sharia law yes can marry but can not divorce and also sex intercourse is banned during periods.

How long do you have to wait to marry after filing for divorce?

There is no waiting period after a divorce to remarry. Once you have applied for a marriage license Mississippi has a seventy-two (72) hour waiting period. This can be waived by a judge of any court in the judicial district where either of the applicants live and if they are over 21 years of age.

Can you marry while waiting for finalized divorce papers?

No. Wait for it. You're this close, don't mess it up now.

How long after divorce in KY do you have to wait to get remarried?

There is no waiting period in KY. You can obtain marriage license right away.

In Hawaii how long after a divorce can you remarry?

Different states define what their "cooling off" period is ... For example, Arizona is 61 days, California is 183 days.

Can you marry again if you just filed for divorce?

In all US states, the person wishing to marry must wait until the final divorce decree has been granted. In addition, several US states also have a required waiting period between the date a divorce is finalized and the date either party may remarry.

When divorce paper are signed in Virginia how long do you have to wait to marry someone else?

In Florida - There is no waiting period. Your divorce becomes final and official the instant the Circuit Court Judge signs his name to the papers.

If your remarry before the 30 day waiting period is up after divorce in Texas is it legal?

No , it could be considered illegal or "voidable" because of the mandatory waiting period because one of the parties could appeal the divorce.