The flight distance for direct flights (if available) is about 2,892 miles.
The flight time from Ohio to Kenya can vary depending on the specific locations of departure and arrival, as well as the flight path chosen. On average, a direct flight can take around 15-17 hours. It is advisable to check with airlines for the most up-to-date and accurate flight schedules.
The flight time from London, United Kingdom to Nairobi, Kenya is 8 hours, 57 minutes.
A direct flight from Santiago, Chile to Nairobi, Kenya is approximately 14 hours, 21 minutes.
You can fly direct from Dublin, Ireland to Agadir Al Massira Airport, Morocco in 3h 55m with Aerlingus
A flight from Manchester to Kenya would have a flying time of about 9 hours.
A direct flight from Bahrain to Kenya typically takes around 5-6 hours. However, the total travel time can be longer depending on layovers and connecting flights.
The most common flight path from London to Kenya is a direct flight from London Heathrow (LHR) to Jomo Kenyatta International Airport (NBO) in Nairobi. The flight duration is approximately 8-9 hours. Alternatively, there are connecting flights that may route through hubs like Dubai or Amsterdam before reaching Nairobi.
About 45 minutes
The cheapest flight to Ireland, currently, is going for $577 for a flight alone. You can book a flight to Ireland that is within your budget at
There are no direct flights from Dublin, Ireland to Columbia, SC. A connecting flight will take a minimum of 10 hours 45 minutes.
A direct flight would take around 7 hours. However, I have never heard of a direct flight between Manchester, UK and Tehran, Iran. The entire flight will probably take about 20 hours due to layovers.