The driving distance from Houston, Texas to Ruidoso, New Mexico is 794 miles via I-10 W per MapQuest. The driving time per MapQuest is 11 hours and 34 minutes.
San antonio, Texas
It seem to be 498 miles from san antonio, Texas to Tampico, Mexico. So figure about as much time to get from San Antonio to Reynosa or Matamoros Mexico as to get from Matamoros or Reynosa to Tampico, Mexico.
The distance from San Antonio, Texas and Ciudad Juarez in Mexico is 549 miles. This journey would take approximately 7 hours and 50 minutes traveling by road.
Yes. San Antonio, Chile is south of the equator, while San Antonio Mexico, Florida, and Texas are north of it.
Odessa, Midland, Austin and San Antonio are Texas cities that are southeast of New Mexico.
The Texas settlement by Mexico began as missions about 1690 and San Antonio was founded in 1718.
San Antonio, TX is 165 miles (265 kilometers) away from the US-Mexico Border. Driving time is approximately 3 hours.
How long is the flight from san Antonio Texas to Cancun Mexico
875 miles taking this route:Take I-10 WEST, from Houston, to U.S. 54 EAST - PATRIOT FWY to ALAMOGORDO. To bypass SAN ANTONIO, take LOOP 1604 (ANDERSON LOOP) - NORTH (EXIT 587 off I-10 to get otno LOOP 1604 (ANDERSON LOOP)).Take U.S. 54 EAST to U.S. 70 EAST to RUIDOSO, in Tularosa, NEW MEXICO.Take U.S. 70 EAST to Ruidoso.
There were several presidents between 1821 and 1836 when Texas split. The most renowned would be Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna.
705 miles