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Q: Is there a age restriction on buying condoms in Illinois?
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Is there a age limit for buying condoms in California?

No there is no age limit

What is the age restriction to by condoms?

There is no age restrictions on purchasing condoms. Head to your local grocery store, convenience store, Walmart etc and they will be in the pharmacy section.

Were can a 12year old male buy a box of condoms?

Anywhere that sells them. There is no age restriction on condoms. Note that most local health departments will give you condoms for free.

Can you sell condoms to an 11 year old?

yea, but the kid can buy them too, there is no age limit on buying condoms.

Do you have to be over eighteen to buy a TV?

In most countries, there is no age restriction for buying a television. It is as easy as buying any other electronic products.

How old do you have to be to buy a pockit knife in tx?

There's no age restriction in the state of Texas for buying a pocket knife

Is there an age restriction on buying pregnancy tests?

no! if your too embarrsed, go to your local supermarket , buy one there and then use the self checkout!

How old do have to be to own a PC?

I don't think there is an age restriction for buying a computer, if you had the money and went into a computer shop, you could buy a system.

Will Walmart card you for buying condoms or lube?

No. The reason is, Walmart can't stop teens having sex, so it's better if they do it protected, rather than unprotected. So the age of the person buying them does not matter.

Is there an age restriction to be a chef?

there is no age restriction to be a chef till you are fit and healthy, the old is always gold.

What is the drinking age in Guinea?

There is no age restriction

What is the age restriction for monoploly?

Age 8