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Q: Is there a Westingtown in Wisconsin along Lake Michigan?
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Can you paddle a canoe from lake Michigan to Wisconsin?

You don't even need a canoe. Wisconsin is already has a shore along Lake Michigan.

Is there nude beaches in Wisconsin?

Yes Wisconsin has beaches along Lake Michigan and Lake Superior.

Where does Michigan's border touch Wisconsin's border?

Good question. The easy answer is you are talking about the LOWER Peninsula, would be Lake Michigan. The answer gets harder, and I don't know the answer to what is the natural border between the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and Wisconsin.

What Body of water in Wisconsin near lake Michigan?

Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, and the Mississippi River border Wisconsin.

What is Milwaukee?

A large city in the state of Wisconsin and found along Lake Michigan.

What body of water is Michigan and Wisconsin located on?

Michigan and Wisconsin are both located on the shores of Lake Michigan, one of the Great Lakes in North America.

Which great lake borders Wisconsin?

Lake Michigan borders Wisconsin to the east and Lake Superior to the North.

What Lake between Michigan and Wisconsin?

Lake MichiganLake Michigan

Which state is east of Wisconsin?

Michigan is east of Wisconsin, across Lake Michigan.

What state is separated by Lake Michigan?

Wisconsin is not separated by Lake Michigan. Michigan is separated by Lake Michigan and Lake Huron.

How many lakes border Wisconsin?

The state of Wisconsin is bordered by two lakes. Both Lake Superior and Lake Michigan border Minnesota, Michigan, and Wisconsin.

What are the four states that boreder Lake Michigan?

Michigan, Wisconson, Illinois and Indiana touch Which_states_touch_Lake_MichiganMichigan.Read more: Which_states_touch_Lake_Michigan