Is there a Diplomatic Courier Company by name Travel Better Courier in Nigeria?
Is there courier company name Continent Courier Service in UK? Possible to transfer money to this company?
Is ellite diplomatic express courier' a courier service?
No... it is totally FAKE... This is scam don't believe it
POBA Courier Service is the one of the best courier company in california you can contact throuh this number 909.890.5484
i don't really know i have a friend from china who is sending me some good through enerstway courier service. so i want find out if their is such courier service here in nigeria or i,m been doopt
Existe esta empresa : firts link courier service, cuyo sitio
There is no such thing as a "diplomatic courier service" and if you get an email stating that someone is acting as a diplomat to deliver a package to you, delete the email. The ONLY thing they want from you is that you wire them cash through Western Union.
Defense Courier Service's motto is 'Excellence in secure, rapid movement'.
I think so.
'Sundance Courier Service' is a good name and proper grammar for a business. Be sure and check to be sure the company name has not been used for another courier service.
Angadia Service is a courier company that delivers important items which is costly.
Blazeflash Courier is a courier service that offers local, domestic and international courier services. The company is based in New Delhi and offers online tracking of all packages.