cameroon has no zip codes
The zip code for Bafoussam, Cameroon is 00237.
Zip codes are for addresses in the USA.
State : England Zip Code : 23498 Phone number for all you fans :) 978-237-4872 - Amis. Lea
It is day 237.It is day 237.It is day 237.It is day 237.It is day 237.It is day 237.It is day 237.It is day 237.It is day 237.It is day 237.It is day 237.
The telephone country code for North America (US, Canada, and several island nations and territories in or near the Caribbean) is +1. The plus sign means "insert your international access prefix here." The international access prefix from Cameroon is 00, so to call the US, dial 00 + 1 + area code + number. (To call from the US to Cameroon, dial 011 + 237 + number.)
The name of Cameroon IS Cameroon
83% of 237= 83% * 237= 0.83 * 237= 196.71
47% of 237= 47% * 237= 0.47 * 237= 111.39
Cameroon is not a city. Cameroon is a country.
Cameroon is not a city, Cameroon is a country.
23700%237= 237 * 100%= 23700%