The English language does not use gender words; all nouns are neuter and take neuter verbs. English uses different words for a male or a female person or animal, such as mother and father.
The noun 'Spain' and the adjective 'Spanish' are neutral words in English.
Spain is " l'Espagne " in French. This is a feminine noun: l'Espagne est moins grande que la France.
The Spanish word Computadora is feminine, not masculine. However, in Spain the term for computer is "ordenador", which is masculine.
La salade is feminine
The word "chaussures" is feminine in French.
it's a masculine word.
The word "universidad" is feminine in Spanish.
The word "disques" is masculine in French.
The word "pita" in French is feminine.
The word "cafeteria" in French is feminine.
Un ami is masculine, and une amie is feminine.
penguin is a masculine word and it is un manchot. there is no feminine form of that word because it is masculine.
The word "photo" is feminine in French.