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The Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica is salt water, the saltiest ocean water on earth. The ice sheet that covers 98% of the Antarctic continent is fresh water -- the store of 60%-70% of all the fresh water on earth

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8y ago
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8y ago

The Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica is salt water -- with the highest mineral content (salts) of any ocean on earth.

The ice sheet that covers 98% of the continent is fresh water -- 70% of the earth's store. The ice sheet is also 90% of the earth's store of ice..

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14y ago

No it's salt water I belive. Well, the the thick ice under-neath the snow is saltwater.
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By the time it's frozen solid on the continent, it's fresh water; the stray salt minerals have been pressed out of the ice.

As the sea ice freezes, which is about 3% salt, this occurs at a lower temperature than freezing fresh water.

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11y ago

The ice that makes up Antarctica is completely fresh.

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10y ago

Freshwater. In winter, however, when the sea ice freezes -- salt water -- and connects to the freshwater ice sheet on land, you have both.

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10y ago

The oceans surrounding Antarctica are salt water; the ice sheet that covers 98% of the Antarctic continent is frozen fresh water.

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10y ago

The waters around Antarctica are salt water. The water frozen into the ice sheet that covers 98% of the continent is fresh water.

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12y ago

If you are wanting to know if the water consists of both salt water and fresh water, then no. It is chiefly fresh water.

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13y ago

i believe it is both

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Q: Is the water in Antarctica salt water?
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Is Antarctica salt water yes or no?

No.Antarctica is a continent (there is fresh water ice on land and in the salt water sea around Antarctica).

Is water found around Antarctica fresh water or salt?

Most of the water around Antarctica is salt water from the Southern Ocean. However, there are also sources of freshwater coming from ice melt, snowmelt, and glaciers on the continent and its surrounding islands.

What types of ice are there in Antarctica?

salt water ice and fresh water ice

What sea located around Antarctica?

The salt water around the continent of Antarctica is called the Southern Ocean.

Do both the Arctic and Antarctic contain salt water or fresh water?

The Arctic ocean, and the Southern Ocean that surrounds Antarctica, are both salt water. The ice sheet that covers 98% of the continent of Antarctica holds about 70% of the earth's fresh water.

Is the water in the Antarctic saltwater?

The ice on Antarctica fell as snow and is therefore not salty. The sea ice forming around Antarctica releases the salt as the sea water freezes.

How much water in the Earth comes from antarctica?

Seventy one percent of earth's surface is water -- salt water. The ice sheet in Antarctica holds about seventy percent of earth's fresh water.

What marine environment live in Antarctica?

Marine means sea or ocean -- salt water. Antarctica is a continent. No marine animals live on any continent.

How cold is Antarctica's ocean?

If liquid, the salt water may be as cold as 27 degrees F, because of the minerals in the water.

How cold antarctica is cold?

If liquid, the salt water may be as cold as 27 degrees F, because of the minerals in the water.

Is the water salty tasting or fresh in Antarctica?

Water in Antarctica is typically fresh, as most of the ice there is made up of fresh water. However, near the coast, you may find some salty water due to seawater mixing in with the freshwater ice.

What 3 continent have salt water?

All continents have coastlines with salt water, including North America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia, South America, and Antarctica. The oceans are interconnected, so salt water can be found around all continents.