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Yes, it was. It was the most powerful and devastating weapon imaginable at the time it was used. It was known that not only the explosion itself but also the resulting radiation would be very destructive. Debates about the use of these weapons will continue for many generations. Whatever one's position, it can be argued that those bombs did hasten the end of the war.

jasmine waz so was emmanuel Norman lol

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No, the goal was much the same, the effects were much the same, only the means and costs were different. One atomic bomb delivery was far cheaper than one firebombing raid.

Atleast we only had to drop the first 2 of the 23 atomic bombs we had scheduled to manufacture and drop on Japan in 1945. And that stopped the need for firebombing raids too.

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Q: Is the use of the atomic bomb any different than the use of the fire bombing tactics used on Tokyo and dresden that actually killed more people?
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