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Q: Is the soil in Nova Scotia good?
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How many mountains does Nova Scotia have?

There are a good 181 mountains in Nova Scotia

Where are members of good times?

Nova Scotia

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In which country is Nova Scotia?

No , Nova Scotia is not a country, Nova Scotia is a Province of Canada.

What is the captital of Nova Scotia?

Halifax is the capital of Nova Scotia.

What is the name of the famous fruit- growing valley in Nova Scotia?

The Annapolis valley, with its rich soil and milder climate is perfect for vineyards and apple groves. also blueberryies, strawberries and other feild berries do well all over Nova Scotia.

What is Nova Scotia?

Nova Scotia is located on the eastern part of Canada. The capital of Nova Scotia is Halifax.Halifax is the biggest city in Nova Scotia. Nova Scotia is a colder area because it IS up North also, at least 2 of its sides are surrounded by the Atlantic ocean.

How many people in Nova Scotia?

There is 873,199 people in Nova Scotia

Kilometers from wolfville nova scotia to shelburne nova scotia?


What is Nova Scotia's kind of food?

nova scotia kind of food

Is Nova Scotia part of US?

No Nova Scotia is not in the United States.

What are the people called in Nova Scotia?

The people of Nova Scotia are called Nova Scotians. =D