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some of the land is mountainous, but most is desert

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Q: Is the land flat or mountainous in Arizona?
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Is Sicily mountainous?

Yes, it is quite mountainous but at the same time there is flat land!

Is the land in usa flat or rolling land?

It is flat, rolling, mountainous, forested, deserted, and totally different everywhere,

Is Sweden's land flat bumpy or mounty?

Sweden does not have flat land. The land in this country is not known to be bumpy either. This a mountainous region.

What is the land form of California?

It depends where. It can be mountainous or flat depending on where you are talking about

Is Norway flat land or mounrainous?

Both. Not kidding -flat in the southwest and and very mountainous some places.

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Romania has hills and mountains, but also plains.

How flat is Japan?

About 20% of Japan's land is flat. This is because it is a chain of volcanic islands (like Hawaii) making it mostly mountainous.

Is japan a flat country?

No, Japan is not a flat country. It is a mountainous archipelago, with approximately 73% of its land covered in mountains. The mountainous terrain is one of the defining features of Japan's landscape.

What is North Korea's land like?

mountainous with valleys. some flat ares for rice growing

What is a name of land that is not flat?

The name of land that is not flat is typically called hilly or mountainous terrain. It is characterized by its uneven and varied topography, with elevations that rise and fall throughout the area.

Is Brazil mountainous or flat?

it is mountains

What is the land like in belgium flat or mountainous?

Belgium is mostly flat with some rolling hills in the southern region. The highest point in the country is only about 700 meters above sea level, so it is not considered mountainous.