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Yes. Especially the more western situated islands are regularly hit by tornadoes. Especially the islands of Yap and surrounding islands are crossed by tornadoes who are moving westwards towards Marianas and Philippines and the Asian mainland. The inhabitants live with it, and have a realistic view of the danger. The experienced seafarers even have a regular Tornado-training, which allows them to ride out and survive a tornado, being on open sea in their traditional outrigger canoes. I was honored to take part in such an exercise, which lasted over 8 hours under live conditions on open - actually rough - sea 30 miles from any land. Any experience of a lifetime.

Answer by: Francis (online nickname: Penguin)

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Q: Is the federated states of micronesia known for tornadoes?
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How many states have had tornadoes?

All 50 states in the United States have experienced tornadoes. However, the frequency and severity of tornadoes vary by region, with states in the central part of the country known as Tornado Alley experiencing more tornadoes on average.

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Micronesia is a region in the western Pacific Ocean. It is located northeast of Papua New Guinea and consists of thousands of small islands. It is divided into four main island groups: the Caroline Islands, the Gilbert Islands, the Mariana Islands, and the Marshall Islands.

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Saipan, Tinian, Rota and other islands part of the Mariana Archipelago. Guam is the largest island of the archipelago and the region known as Micronesia in the Pacific Ocean. We are surrounded by our neighbors that we refer to as "Micronesians," although we all are. They from islands that form the Federated States of Micronesia that has a compact of free association with the US. Our other neighbors are the Republic of Palau. Japan is about 1,500 miles to the west of Guam and Hawaii is about 3,800 miles to the east of Guam.

Do tornadoes hit all of the states?

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How many tornadoes were there in 2012?

The number of tornadoes that occurred worldwide in 2012 is not known. The United States experienced 940 recorded tornadoes, making it a below-average year.

Are tornadoes more common in the midwestern states?

Yes, tornadoes are more common in the midwestern states of the United States, particularly in an area known as "Tornado Alley," which includes states like Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska. The unique geographic and atmospheric conditions in this region create an environment that is conducive to the formation of tornadoes.

What states did tornadoes occur over the weekend?

Tornadoes occurred over the weekend in states such as Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri, and Arkansas. These states are part of an area in the central United States known as "Tornado Alley," where tornadoes are more common due to weather conditions that favor their formation.

What percentage of the world's tornadoes occur in the US?

About 75% of recorded tornadoes strike the United States. This is misleading however, as many countries do not keep records of their tornadoes. The actual number of tornadoes outside the U.S. is not known.