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The Malaysian dollar was first floated on the open market in 1973. Since the mid 1990s, it has been remarkably stable.

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Q: Is the currency of Malaysia stable in all categories?
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Related questions

What is the best currency to take to Malaysia?

The best currency to take to Malaysia other than the Malaysian Ringgit is the US Dollar. However, note that all business in Malaysia is conducted in Malaysian Ringgit by law.

What currencies can you take into Malaysia?

All currencies are allowed into Malaysia.

What country uses the ringgit as its currency?

Actually, Ringgit is the Malay term for Dollar. Country that use Ringgit is 1 - Malaysia (All language; Malay, English, Chinese, Indian Language etc). Current Currency Symbol : RM. Former Currency Symbol : $ or M$ 2 - Brunei (Also called Dollar in English) Currency Symbol : $ or B$ 3 - Singapore (Also called Dollar in English and Yuan in Chinese) Currency Symbol : $ or S$

Name of Malaysia neighbor country?

Thailand, Indonesia, and Brunei are neighboring countries of Malaysia. They all share borders with Malaysia.

Why is the US dollar used often as a comparative currency?

Overall, it has remained one of the most stable. Its like a good clock - you want to set all your other clocks from its time.

Did Malaysia changed its name at all during history?

The name Malaysia was first officially changed in 1963. Prior to this Malaysia was known as Malaya or The Federation of Malaya. The federation of Malaya was formed with all 11 states in West or Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, North Borneo ( known in Malaysia as Sabah) and Sarawak formed to become Malaysia. On the 9th of August 1965 Singapore was expelled from Malaysia and today, Malaysia has 13 states.

Are Bulgaria and Malaysia allies?

Bulgaria and Malaysia are good allies given that they are all part of NATO.

How many Pizza Hut in Malaysia?

158 branches all over Malaysia out of which 12 in Sarawak.

Why do all countries not have equal currency?

Having a common currency requires some agreements between different countries; apparently, for this to work, it also requires individual countries taking certain steps to have a stable economy. All this is a bit tricky while there is no central world government; but there are already cases where several countries share a common currency; the best-known case is the Euro, used in most European countries. It can be expected that at some time in the future, all countries in the world will share a common currency, but this won't happen overnight.

How many vegetarians are there in Malaysia?

there are no vegetarian in malaysia all of them eat meat

What is the currency for Barcelona Spain?

The currency for all of Spain is the Euro.

Which categories on WikiAnswers are for Supervisors only?

The categories that are open only for supervisors are the catch-all categories. Note: 'Catch-all Questions' the category, not the catch-all categories (e.x. 'Adds No Value') is able to be viewed by regular contributors and regular contributors have the ability to add questions there.