no, it is a country unto itself
No, but it can be an island unto ITSELF.
This question does not make sense. Baseball is popular in Mexico, which is a country unto itself.
No, radon is an element unto itself.
"Unto itself" means independently or on its own, without the need for anything else. It suggests that something has its own unique qualities or abilities that make it self-sufficient or self-contained.
"World unto itself" refers to something that is complete and self-contained, self-sufficient and self-sustaining, independent of external influences. It can describe environments, situations, or concepts that exist in isolation from the rest of the world.
No. It is a mountain unto itself in Japan. Actually, it is a volcano.
France is a nation unto itself. It belongs to the European Union, financially.
No. The word "slur" is not bad unto itself. A slur is a bad thing.
There are no particles within an electron: it is a particle unto itself.
A manor was usually an economy unto itself. The people living there included craftsmen and farmers who produced goods for sale and trade.
The phrase "means unto itself" means that the thing or activity referred to by "itself" may lead to other goals or results, but it is a worthwhile (valuable, enjoyable, etc) activity regardless of what else may be gained.