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Q: Is the Pompidou center modern or postmodern?
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Related questions

Why was pompidou center built?

The Centre Pompidou was built to serve as an art centre with workshops, temporary art exhibitions, and a museum of modern art.

Why was le center Pompidou built?

The Centre Pompidou was built to serve as an art centre with workshops, temporary art exhibitions, and a museum of modern art.

Is the pompidou center in the south of Paris?

Centre Georges Pompidou is located in Paris, France. It houses a public library, the largest museum for modern art in Europe, and a center for music and acoustic research.

When was the pompidou center built?


Where is center georges pompidou located?


When was Paris center pompidou built?


What European city was pompidou center built at?


Who was the center georges pompidou named after?

dr bob

What does the pompidou center celebrate?

nothing at all ;D

Who is Georges Pompidou?

Georges Pompidou (1911-1974) was the French Prime Minister from 1962 to 1968 under the General de Gaulle, and succeded him as president from 1969 until his death in april 1974. He is remembered as a man of immense culture and his name has been given to the Centre Pompidou, a modern art museum in the center of Paris.

What is special about the center Georges Pompidou?

Centre George Pompidou is located in Paris, France. Its architecture can be described as High-Tech. Inside this complex, among other things, one will find the Museum of Modern Art, an enormous public library, and a venue for musical events.

What is postmodern dream?

it's a dream after modern.