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No: the Midgard Serpent is of Norse Myth origin.

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Q: Is the Midgard Serpent in greek mythology?
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Who poisoned Thor in Norse mythology?

Jörmungandr, the Midgard Serpent.

In greek mythology who is the guardian of the bridge that connets midgard to asgard?

Midgard and Asgard are in Norse mythology not Greek, the bridge is called Bitfrost (the rainbow).

Who is Loki's son?

Loki's son is Jörmungandr, also known as the Midgard Serpent, a giant sea serpent in Norse mythology.

Which of the nine worlds does the serpent Jormungand encircle?

Midgard. He is also known as the "Midgard Serpent".

Who saw the first serpent?

Thor saw the first serpent and kill all the serpent.The Mother of all serpent is the midgard serpent and Thor killed the midgard serpent and save us all

What is a well known Dragon?

Smaug - from The Hobbit by JRR Toilken. Puff - from Puff the Magic Dragon by Peter Paul and Mary The Midgard Serpent - from Norse mythology. Leviathan - from Christian mythology Fafnir - from the Wagner Ring Cycle Hydra - from Greek mythology. The dragon killed by Saint George

How Loki set Raganok in motion?

Loki and his children played a large role in Ragnarok. His children, Hel, The Midgard Serpent, and Fenrir fought in the battle of Ragnarok. Fenrir and Odin killed each other during Ragnarok. Thor killed the Midgard Serpent and then walked 9 steps before dropping dead from the poison of the Midgard Serpent. 9 is a sacred number in Germanic Paganism (Norse Mythology.)

What is the name of the snake in ragnarok?

The Midgard Serpent

What are the release dates for The Midgard Serpent - 2007?

The Midgard Serpent - 2007 was released on: USA: 23 April 2007 (Atlanta Film and Video Festival)

Which kingdom is a hydra in?

Hydra was a many headed serpent in Greek mythology

Who is Loki in Norse mythology?

Loki was a god in Norse mythology. He was seen as a trickster. The other gods did not like him. He was half-giant/jotun/troll. His three children ( Hel, The Midgard Serpent, and Fenrir) played a major part in Ragnarok.

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