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Q: Is the Diaoyu Islands part of China?
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Who owns the Diaoyu Islands?

The Diaoyu Islands or the Senkaku Islands as they are sometimes known are under the administration of Japan. However they are also claimed by China and Taiwan.

What country do the Diaoyu islands belong to?

China (Taiwan)

What are the release dates for Diaoyu Islands The Truth - 2013?

Diaoyu Islands The Truth - 2013 was released on: USA: 30 November 2013 (Los Angeles, California)

What group of islands is located off the norther n coast of china?

The group of islands located off the northern coast of China is known as the Chinese Diaoyu Islands, also referred to as the Senkaku Islands in Japan. These islands are currently under dispute between Japan, China, and Taiwan, with all claiming sovereignty over them.

What is the of publish author's zhang yunbi reprt purpose for this reportChina will closely watch future actions by Japan regarding the Diaoyu Islands and the adjacent waters?

what is the publish author's zhang yunbi purpose for this report,China will closley watch future actions by Japan regarding the diaoyu islands and the adjacent waters

Islands between Taiwan and japaneese islands?

The Ryukyu islands are found between Taiwan and Japan.

What area does China to strive to control?

Taiwan (Island of Formosa) is the most commonly cited claim of the People's Republic of China that is not in their control. Other regions that the People's Republic of China claims are: Aksai Chin and parts of Jammu/Kashmir, Arunchal Pradesh, several archipelagos in the Gulf of Tonkin, the smaller islands controlled by Taiwan, and the Sengaku Islands (called by the Chinese the Diaoyu Islands).

Is China a part of Philippines?

No, they are two separate countries. China is a part of mainland Asia and the Philippines are a group of islands in the Pacific.

What two large islands of the coast of china gained independent status as the republic of china?

Taiwan is a part of China. And PRC is short for People's Republic of China, not RPC

Who did Japan attack in the 1930's?

The Japanese attacked China and many Pacific islands during the 1930's.

Where did World War 2 happin at?

In Europe, including European part of Russia, North Africa, China, Indo-China, Japan and Pacific Islands.

How many islands are there in in china?

China has thousands of islands, with estimates ranging from around 6,500 to over 14,000 islands. The most well-known islands in China include Hainan Island, the largest and southernmost island, as well as Zhoushan Archipelago and the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea.